So yay for me I get to go to some exclusive redbull smashathon tomorrow evening at some photo studios renovated to look like an outdoor wonderland complete with trees and all that other stuff. Woot woot for me.

Strangely I did discover why my boy has such an aversion to corsets. When I spoke with him about this lace number I had purchased to wear to the event he said, “well, aren’t corsets for huge boobs?” “Uhm yea,” I said. Then he said “well you are always the one complaining about it, and yet you bring attention to your smallness by wearing a corset”. I put this puppy on and not only does it appear that I have boobs, but they kind of pop out the top. The solution? Stuff those puppies with a ton of tissue if he has such an issue with it. I would like to once again draw attention to the girls with less than supple mammaries; boys don’t seem to play with them to the extent that they play with the girls with wonking gazongas. One word: gravity. So my mother was a flat-chested androgony until she got pregnant and sprouted children? Maybe I am not allowed to due to another fun and tasty gene she left embedded in my gene pool. Maybe I will have to pull a pamela to have anything worth mentioning at all. One thing is for sure: the men in my life really have no idea how damaging their reactions can be to the dubious mammaries around me.

Oh well. At least I got a pretty enough face. When I was 12 it was all about me being built like a super model. Small boobs, tall enough, fat lips. Lately I have come to realize how aesthetics ruin people. I have a shitload of photography of me from random photographers I have worked with, all of the professional nature. I feel as though I am fortunate to have a strong look, and it has gotten me a lot in terms of establishing good relations with people, but I am far away from being some cheesy ass model who has nothing better to do than talk about myself and my latest conquests about ME ME ME. I mean, for crying out loud, if all you have to offer the world is a pretty pout and some nice pictures, it doesn’t really say a lot for your future. That future being in and out of the spotlight. Because it’s boring. And you: are boring.

But anyways, enough of that. Still working like a psycho. But it’s good. Hanging out quite a bit with my Candy Darling.

Anyhow. Yea, that’s how it rolls.