I wanted to thank all of those who wrote to me, letting me know that my viewpoints, while not always in complete accordance with their own, were respected as just that: my personal opinions. This war, while not justified in its entirety, is something that will affect all of us for many many years to come. I have never been so politcally inclined towards methods of brainwashing by presenting only one side of the issue, so I feel as though my particular opinions hold validity because, not only have I condemmed the act of murder to make any point, but I have also condemmed Saddam for all of his crimes against humanity and decent living.

Perhaps the ideas of democracy do not work for everyone. Perhaps you feel as though the middle east should be left alone to fester in a stinking pile of sand. Either way, what has been done is being done, and I would never disagree that most of us do not have the power to stop the wheel now that it has been set into motion. I do also firmly believe that the whole punk rock idealogy of hating the government because it means you are a ‘true rebel’ is a lame excuse to agree or disagree with points of interest. Education is your best defense against lines of ignorance. I suggest that if you decide to take a particular stance, be it pro or anti war, that you get as much information as you can. Reading from only one source will always present a biased opinion. The internet is a useful tool which will allow you to access all means of reporting and communication. I have always felt as is extremism in any facet has its faults, as it is usually useful to someone in either gaining wide acceptance, and support, or profiting from the views that are held. Not that this negates people who feel strongly against or for something, but wavering too far over to the left or right will never allow you to see the shades in between. Being undereducated about your viewpoints will never allow for intelligent discussions. If you feel strongly about something, understand the entirety of what you said, and cite your sources in an intelligent manner. To not do so is a complete waste of intelligence, one of the most positive points of human existence, (choice).

I have oftentimes been accused of holding opinions unpopular to those in this community. Not because I am an asshole or unsympathetic to individual plights, but because as a free-thinking individual, I enjoy my rights to express myself through this format in any way I see fit. Understand also that I am not about to spout off on something because I think it’s the cool thing to do, or it fits into the stereotype of who I am supposed to be, but because I believe it. Opinions do change with exposure, but that’s reality; incited with the manipulation of not only the media, but the limited exposure to truths that we have.

I have been increasingly enraged by cult mentalities regarding everything from living one’s life as they choose, to making intelligent decisions on one’s own. Understand also that such priveleges as are enjoyed here to spout off and talk shit about anything that you desire, could get you murdered or maimed in some other countries.

I was running down the stairs today towards to L train and a bottle of juice popped out of my bag and exploded on the platform. The cops were afraid to even look at it, and although I am sure they did not see me as the origination of the accident, I am sure it was a scary incident to witness and ponder over. I suppose, if nothing else, it might have been a lesson to them and even to myself how vulnerable we all are.

I will not further comment on this matter until there is something new to be said about it. I suspect that chemical weapons will soon be used. Even then, not much else needs to be said at this point.

I have decided I enjoy talking about issues outside of my own experience. I will be toying with story-telling from different viewpoints, putting myself in the shoes of rapists, men, women, children, wife beaters, abusers, maybe even soldiers on both sides of the war. My next posts will not be a barrage of anti-american insults, or pro-war propaganda, but hopefully a refreshing escape from the bullshit.