So there’s this new code enabled to warn you if someone wants to track your ass visiting their page, along with some info on other user specifications meaning one does not use the tracking to record in any way shape or form…


I really don’t want to do it…

And in fact, I really don’t want to deal with the questions some visitation but no recording would entail….

So that’s why I’m not gonna post or decide not to post in some of my bunnie’s forums…

I, like before, have said this public community turned private shit has really aggravated me to no end..Maybe I’m old, maybe I just don’t need to talk to anyone that bad.

Do I have anything to hide?…Do I go swaggering around random pages without posting forum entries..Yea, I do. More often than not if I don’t know you, I rarely make a commentary unless there’s something to be said…

I just hate wasting time..and I also fucking despise how everything has been turned into a big spying mess..what with nyc hooking up more and more cameras at every corner to track your every move, and then there’s the implanted microchip which means anonymity and the like will soon be defunct..

Excuse me if I don’t really buy into this shit..and if I go somewhere and I want to say something, I say it..I don’t need some freakin babysitter watching what I do and what I don’t do…

So, that’s it…good luck with your tracking..God knows we all need less anonymity and more chains to bind us..

