ok, so perhaps blaming the tool is not the way to go about things…blaming the user perhaps is.

I just find it interesting and uninspiring how so many people find reason and addiction and inspiration in a device that was supposed to be a tool for information cultivation. Originally wasn’t that the direction of marketing? In high school it was “look at how efficiently and quickly we can find these documents and encyclopedias” to support thesis statements and research papers. AOL existed and perhaps friends of mine began using it back in the early nineties. But there was still interest and emphasis on hanging out with your friends. Maybe the written word communication over email is cool when you’re too lazy to buy stamps, which I often am. But, I have a serious problem with the thought that so many of you may be trading in normal functioning in the outside world to sit inside and be amused by what amounts to be false projections and lots of people who are certainly by this point brainwashed into being too socially inept to function in the same way in a physical sense..go run on sentences…

I find it comical how so many people choose to lash back and slide in sarcastic comments about me dissing the shit…I’m just pointing out the obvious.

Personally, there is this adage “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” that makes sense to me when thinking about the powers of machinery like these. I want to know, because it’s important to be educated on the bullshit that’s going to be running our existence at some point. To think otherwise is ignorant because we are too stupid as a species to put any kinds of brakes on what we need. Strike that, what we want. Everything advertised anymore is advertised to be either 1)faster 2)convenient 3)more efficient.

1) Faster..faster downloads mean less time for you to be sitting on your ass. Right. Like faster is going to slow down the passing of time in your every day lives. Go faster faster faster…so you can get nowhere faster.

2) Like faster, convenience= the avoidance of having to do the physical work yourself. Convenient stores on every corner make it easy for us to avoid having to go to the grocery store for those small things. On a larger scale, convenience in advertising makes it easier for all of us to sit on our fat asses and wait for the machines to do it for us…What better function is there, the complete obstinence of having to physically go somewhere to get something…Be it money. food. clothing. plane tickets…Look at us, we barely have to shit and shower to be considered human.

3) More efficient..Efficiency enables the previous two components to work free and easy. What does it mean? Does it mean that as individuals we are encouraged to determine the most obvious and effective root to any problem? Fuck no, it means that the computers can do it for us…With more memory and function and capability to conjure up more facts and fiction that either you or I are able to do in a number of seconds, what more could you ask for?

Is our dependence on complete artificiality so strong and so attractive that we can’t see any other solution?

Sure it is.

After all, the FDA just allowed these motherfuckers to start testing microchip implantation:
get this hot shit here
and, if you care, more here

you go girl, you just fucking go.