so yea…there’s this thing that can happen.
I was adopted. I met my birth mother for the first time on Thursday evening. Although. huh. I feel speechless. Exhausted. FRancis calls her BAbs. I called her Barbara, and at times, mom. CAN you really trade in your parents for the real thing? hell no. BUt you do end up tryin to figure out who yoU Are in terms of nature vs nurture. I can say for myself that there are few similarities between myself and my parents as I have known them my whole life. Whereas with my birth parents. the similarities are many and differences are purely circumstancial. but really, how many people would have the viewpoint that i can have? because, for most people I know, their parents have always been a part of their lives and similarities aren’t as evident as they are with me. Simply for the fact that I have two different gene pools that affected me. But, the beautiful thing was..she flew here from denver after never having been to the east coast let alone nyc, anddddd….enjoyed herself last night at a punk rock bar with all my friends…even so much embracing them as we all parted….the most hysterical part of last night came when, after we got in, francis was taking pictures, and my mother was all sloshy drunk and being hysterical….slurring, giggling…it was a good time…de la guarda, the ferry, the museum, kush, heart of india, etc etc…francis, in a state of delirium uttered this morning as i was getting ready to take her” babs, promise you’ll come back…babs you gotta come back”…i think she will…and even more wierd than anything…well well well….the question that I pose is: how much do genetics have to do with disposition and common interests?