So the beginning of my dream I can’t quite recall…how exactly I got into this place, but I did revisit it and wake up a couple times in between and re-entered it in different situations….

In any case I am running around and my family is there, and I remember my cousin in Colorado having a skin worm (this didn’t really happen but was the history to the dream)..which she popped, like a zit, and watched the black head of the worm poke out of her pore and fall on the ground…This was a small worm, however.
My legs start itching and I am seeing little white mounds growing under the skin of my legs, which is sort of see through…I get frantic, remembering the subdermal worms, and begin to squeeze certain places on my legs…I squeeze, and like before, the black pin head of the white worm pops out, textured like gnochi with the round sections and drops on the ground…I am freaking screaming for my Dad to tell me what is going on but he is busy doing other things so it’s my friends helping me…I pop another as it was one previously aggravated and ready to hatch, and once again the squeezing motion, produces plasma and blood reveals a rather large squiggly worm which drops to the floor. My father, at this time not believing me, asks to see this process, so I pick another one…this one, however, produces a large, longer squiggly, more blood and a pair of human legs hatches from the worm…like a gizmo-popped alien…At this point I end up travelling to the emergency room and the last thing I remember before waking up the first time, was that the doctors in the emergency room outside entrance holding a large cross up made of wood and I am holding my arms out to be crucified….

Vomitting may stop for a moment…

I re-return to sleep and in this dream I am interviewing with a company, the worms still twitching under my skin…I am talking with a rather monotone man about the job…and the interview itself turns into a kind of bored stalling motion…the employees live in the building and like the move Dark City, but not quite as magic, the teams of movers and decorators appear to completely transform the place into a completely different set up, complete with new paint and walls and furniture..At this point I am like “what the fuck?” and proceed to try and exit, passing my the man who set up the interview who is sprawled naked on a bed in front of me. I exit quickly, and my friend Meagan lets my ride on the back of her bicycle to the doctor’s office, which is closed by the time we get there..And I, with worms writhing under my skin, am screaming for the emergency room again…The thing I begin to notice about this place is that the sky changes color like the office building was changed and I ask Meagan, who has no info to give and I realize we are in a biosphere, and I don’t know how I got there….I ask her why she’s living in a biosphere and where it is located, and she states it’s a sub-environment off of the upper west area by oregon….
then I wake up…..